
Showing posts from October, 2019

Magento 2.3.3 Realease Notes - Features and Enhancement

New release include 170 functional fixed by Magento team and community contributors in core product. A major change regarding security enhancement made in Magento 2.3.3. As per official statement from Magento release notes 75 security enhancements made. There are several changes so let's categories them and go on trip of Magento 2.3.3. Security enhancements Platform upgrades Infrastructure improvements Inventory Management enhancements Vendor-developed extension enhancements Magento Shipping Performance boosts Merchant tool enhancements GraphQL PWA Studio Google Shopping ads Channel Backward-incompatible Changes Security enhancements Improvements in core payment methods which are now compliant with PSD2 regulations. PSD = Payment Services Directive. A major PSD2 change is in Braintree payment. Now Magento version 2.3.3 can verfiy Braintree payment transactions by native Braintree 3D Secure 2.0 service. introduced "c...

Magento 2.3.2 - Export Error

Have you just upgraded to Magento version 2.3.2? Have an error on export? Than you are at right place for a solution. So without wasting time , let's roll the camera. Error: Warning: DOMDocumentFragment::appendXML(): Entity: line 1: parser error : CData section too big found in vendor/magento/framework/View/TemplateEngine/Xhtml/Template.php on line 60 Preconditions (*) Magento version 2.3.2 Too big files and number of files more (around > 20000) Steps to reproduce (*) Login Admin panel Go to System -> Export Expected result (*) 1) 2) Warning: DOMDocumentFragment::appendXML(): Entity: line 1: parser error : CData section too big found in vendor/magento/framework/View/TemplateEngine/Xhtml/Template.php on line 60 You have error as described than below solution for your store. 1)  export_grid.xml      vendor/magento/module-import-export/view/adminhtml/ui_component/export_grid.xml <?xml versi...